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Овчаренко Тетяна Сергіївна


Англійська мова 

1 А л/с,




Великі міста Британії. Культурні та економічні зв’язки з Україною. 

Завдання 1. Переглянути відео про великі міста Великобританії. 

Завдання 2. Прочитати текст “Cities of Great Britain”. Виконати усний переклад тексту. Вислати аудиозапис читання тексту вчителю для перевірки.

Topic Cities Of Great Britain

The largest cities of GB are: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Coventry and Cardiff.

Birmingham is situated in the Midlands. It has the population over a million. This industrial region is called the Black Country. The plants of Birmingham, Coventry and Sheffield produce motor cars, railway carriages, light engineering products. Birmingham is impressive: glittering with ultramodern giant factories, hotels, restaurants, cafes, brilliant stores, beautiful cars and smart people. There is a fine art gallery in it. The public gardens are well kept, and there are lots of flowers there. Birmingham comes next in importance after London.

Coventry was greatly destroyed during World War II. Now it is quite modern. Coventry is of great interest because of the new cathedral (the old one was destroyed in 1940). The cathedral is a masterpiece of modern art. Coventry is the centre of the motor vehicle industry – the largest in the UK.

Edinburgh is the old capital of Scotland. It is one of the finest cities of GB, the centre of administration, where the Scottish Parliament sits. One of the most charming streets in Edinburgh is Princess Street, where the monument to Walter Scott (the Scott Memorial) is situated. Edinburgh is famous for its ancient Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Palace, the official residence of English kings in Scotland, and the main church in the city – St Giles’s Cathedral.

Liverpool is one of the largest ports in the world. It is situate on the Mersey river. It is also an industrial centre of GB. Enterprises of nearly all branches of industry are situated in Liverpool: shipbuilding, textile industry, engineering, automobile industry, etc.

Glasgow, the industrial and commercial centre of GB, lies on the Clyde river. The river plays a significant role in the life of the city – it is the largest waterway in Britain. The population of Glasgow is over one million. Glasgow is supposed to possess more public gardens and parks than any other city in Britain. In one of this park there is the pride of Glasgow – its Art Gallery, with the wonderful collection of pictures. One of the oldest British universities is situated in Glasgow.

Cardiff, the capital and the main port of Wales, is a centre of shipbuilding, electronics and chemical industry. Cardiff is also a university city.

Stratford-on-Avon is the town where William Shakespeare, the great playwright and poet was born in 1564. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre and the Shakespeare Centre were built in the town.

Windsor is one of the most charming towns in England, and the Windsor Castle is the summer residence of the Queen. Construction of the Castle began in the eleventh century. The tourists are allowed to visit the Castle when the Queen is not in residence here. Just opposite the Castle the Eton College is situated. This College was intended for the 70 poorest orphans of the country. It soon became and is the most exclusive, the most aristocratic, the most famous and the most expensive school in the world.

Oxford and Cambridge are known all over the world as university towns. Both great universities are less than two hours journey from London by fast train. Admission to these universities is very difficult, but if a young man or a girl gets admission, gets through the exams, gets the degree – they are made for life! An Oxford or Cambridge degree is accompanied by all sorts of privileges. Oxford is not only an educational centre. It is the centre of motor car industry. Recent industrial development has so altered Oxford that Cambridge, as a city of fine architecture, is now more beautiful. In spring Cambridge is like a garden of flowers. Cambridge is a great centre of research.

Завдання 3. Виконати онлайн тести. Результати вислати вчителю.



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