Завдання для студентів групи 3 - А л/с
Завдання № 1. Лексикологія.
Вдосконалюємо вивчення нових слів з теми. Для цього перейдіть за посиланням в Вайбері.
Завдання № 2. Читання.
Прочитайте уривок тексту. Вишліть аудиозапис читання англійською мовою.
Medical education in Ukraine is an integral part of national educational and health care system. It is considered to be one of the best in the world, despite of the Soviet Union breakup, and therefore it attracts thousands of foreign students each year. Graduates of Ukrainian medical universities are of high demand for their fundamental knowledge and excellent practical skills. Due to the latest data, the educational potential of Ukraine has allowed us to enter the group of the first ten leader states in the field of international education (as evidenced by current demand for higher education in Ukraine among citizens of other countries).
After adoption of the Bologna process, Ukraine reformed its educational system, adapting it to EU standards. Today, specialists of medical and pharmaceutical fields are prepared in higher education establishments of I-IV levels of accreditation, which include 64 medical schools, 47 medical colleges and their branches, 2 nursing institutes, 12 medical universities, 2 medical academies, 1 national pharmaceutical university and 3 academies of postgraduate education. Six medical universities and one medical academy of postgraduate education have the status of national establishments. It should be noted that today Ukrainian diploma has wide international recognition, and the level of professional training is highly appreciated by foreign employers.
Завдання № 3. Переклад. Письмо.
Виконайте письмово переклад речень з англійської мови українською мовою. Фото вишліть вчителю для перевірки.
Structure of medical education in Ukraine is based on educational systems of leading world countries in accordance with recommendations of EU, UNESCO, UNO and other international organizations.
2. Taking into account that higher medical education is an integral part of Ukrainian educational system, it is regulated by the law “On higher education”, regulation “On specialization (internship)” and regulation “On clinical residency”.
3. Each year the number of foreigners willing to get Ukrainian education is constantly increasing. Thus, in the 2013/2014 academic year the contingent of foreign students in higher educational establishments of Ukraine comprised approximately 70,000 students from 145 countries.
4. Education for foreigners in Ukrainian universities is conducted on a contract basis. Approximate cost of education for foreigners ranges from $ 1000 to $ 3000 per year and from $ 2,000 to $ 6,000 per year for medical specialties.
Завдання № 4. Написати твір на тему "Робочий день студента". Вислати вчителю для перевірки.
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