Завдання для студентів групи 1 - А с/с, І - ІІ бригади
Викладач Овчаренко Тетяна Сергіївна Предмет Англійська мова 1 А л/с Дата 10.05.23 Тема 1. Сполучені Штати Америки (США). Історичні етапи розвитку Америки. Завдання № 1. Прочитати текст. Виконати його усний переклад. Christopher Columbus. The discovery of America Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy . His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers . He probably worked as a weaver before going to sea. We don't know much about Christopher Columbus . He had blue eyes and red hair. He lived in Spain for a long time. He married the daughter of a sea captain. For some time he earned his living partly by making sea voyages , and partly by drawing maps and selling them . In the fifteenth century most people thought that the earth was flat . They didn’t believe that India lay beyond the Atlantic Ocean . They knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round . He decided to re...
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