Завдання для групи 4 - А л/с



Овчаренко Тетяна Сергіївна


Англійська мова 

(за професійним спрямуванням) 

4 - А л/с




Система травлення. Будова травного каналу. Печінка. Підшлункова залоза.

Завдання № 1. Read the following text: вишліть аудиозапис читання тексту вчителю для перевірки.


  The digestive system consists of many parts. They are the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, the liver, the pancreas, gallbladder and others.                 The  food  we  eat  is  propelled  through  the  digestive  tract  by  muscular  contractions.  The digestive tract is also called the alimentary tract or alimentary canal. The term gastrointestinal tract technically only refers to the stomach and intestines but is often used as a synonym of the digestive tract.  The first division of the digestive tract is the mouth, or oral cavity. Important structures of the oral cavity are the teeth, the tongue, the soft and hard palates, and salivary glands. Digestion begins when the person chews the food. The food is broken into smaller pieces by the teeth and is mixed with saliva secreted by the salivary glands.                                                 From  the  mouth  food  passes  through  the  pharynx  to  the  esophagus.  The  major  accessory structures of the pharynx and the esophagus are mucous glands.   The esophagus opens into the stomach. It rests in the upper abdomen. It is a dilated portion of the digestive tract. The stomach receives food from esophagus, and its mixing action reduces the food  to  a  semi-liquid  mixture.  The  stomach  walls  contain  many  glands  from  which  acid  and enzymes are released into the stomach and mixed with ingested food.                 The  stomach  opens  into  the  small  intestine.  The  small  intestine  is  a  thin-walled  tube approximately 6.5 meters long. It is located in the lower and central portions of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. It is composed of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The first segment of the small intestine is the duodenum. The major accessory structures in this segment of the digestive tract are the liver, the gallbladder, and the pancreas. The next segment of the small intestine is the jejunum.                             Small glands exist along its length, and it is the major site of absorption. The last segment of the small intestine is the ileum, which is similar to the jejunum except that fewer digestive enzymes and more mucus are secreted and less absorption occurs in the ileum.   The last section of the digestive tract is the large intestine. It is divided into cecum, colon, and rectum.  Its  major  accessory  glands  secrete  mucus.    It  absorbs  water  and  salts  and  concentrates indigested food into feces. The first segment is the cecum, with the attached vermiform appendix. The cecum is followed by colon and rectum. The rectum joints the anal canal, which ends at the anus.                                              The functions of the digestive system are to ingest food, masticate the food, propel the food through  the  digestive  tract,  add  secretions  to  the  food  and  digest  the  food;  and  absorb  water, electrolytes, and other nutrients from the digested food. Once these useful substances are absorbed, they are transported through the circulatory system to cells where they are used. Undigested matter is  moved  out  of  the  digestive  tract  and  excreted  through  the  anus.  The  processes  of  propulsion, secretion, and absorption are regulated by nervous and hormonal mechanisms.  

 Завдання № 2.  Письмово.  Translate the following words and word-combinations into English: 

Глотка;  стравохід;  шлунок;  підшлункова  залоза;  товстий  кишечник;  жовчний  міхур;  сліпа кишка; пряма кишка; товста кишка; порожня кишка; клубова кишка; дванадцятипала кишка; зуби;  язик;  тверде  піднебіння;  слинні  залози;  знаходитися  у  нижній  частині  черевної порожнини;  напіврідка  суміш;  тонкостінна  трубка;  проходити  уздовж;  переноситись  по кровоносній системі.  

Answer the following questions: 

1. What does the digestive system consist of? 2. What is the food propelled through the digestive tract by? 3. What is the first division of the digestive tract? 4. What are there in the oral cavity? 5. Where does the food pass from the mouth? 6. What is the esophagus? 7. What is the function of the stomach?  8.  What  parts  is  the  small  intestine  composed  of?  9.  What  are  the  major  accessory structures in the first segment of the small intestine? 10. What is the functional difference between ileum and jejunum? 11. What is large intestine divided into? 12. What are the major functions of the digestive system? 

Translate  the  following  sentences  into  English.  

1. Зараз лікар лікує хворого з приводу запалення підшлункової залози. 2. Нині цей хворий лікується  в  нашому  відділені  з  приводу  запалення  порожньої  кишки.  3.  Медична  сестра заповнювала температурні листи пацієнтів о 9 годині ранку. 4. Температурні листи пацієнтів заповнювались медичною сестрою о 8 годині ранку.  

Translate the following words into English: 

Сфінктер;  шлунок;  слизова  оболонка;  дно;  ділянка,  сектор;  пілоричний;  виробляти, створювати;  вигин;  проштовхувати,  штовхати;  слугувати;  твердий;  оброблений, перероблений; берегти, зберігати.  

Завдання № 3.  Прочитайте текст. Виконайте переклад українською мовою. Вишліть аудиозапис перекладу.



  The pharynx consists of three parts: the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, and laryngopharynx. Normally, only the oropharynx and laryngopharynx transmit food. The oropharynx communicates with the nasopharynx superiorly, the larynx and laryngopharynx inferiorly, and mouth anteriorly. The laryngopharynx extends from the oropharynx to the esophagus and is posterior to the larynx. The posterior walls of the oropharynx and laryngopharynx consist of three muscles, the superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictions, which are arranged like three stacked flower pots, one inside the other. The oropharynx and the laryngopharynx are lined with moist, stratified squamous epithelium, and the nasopharynx is lined with ciliated pseudostratified epithelium.   


  The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube that extends between the pharynx and the stomach. It is approximately 20-25 cm long and lies in the mediastinum. The esophagus transports food from the pharynx to the stomach. It has thick walls consisting of the four tunics common to the digestive tract: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and adventitia. 


  The small intestine consists of three portions: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The entire small intestine is approximately 6.5 m long; the duodenum is approximately 25 cm long (the  term  duodenum  means  12,  suggesting  that  is  12  inches  long);  the  jejunum,  constituting approximately two fifths of the total length of the small intestine, is approximately 2.5 m long, and the ileum, constituting three fifths of the small intestine, is approximately 3.5 m long. Two major glands, the liver and pancreas, are associated with the duodenum. 


  The gallbladder is a saclike structure on the inferior surface of the liver that is approximately 8 cm long and 4 cm wide. Three layers form the gallbladder wall: an inner mucosa folded into rugae that allow the gallbladder to expand; a muscularis of smooth muscle that allows the gallbladder to contract; and outer covering of connective tissue. The gallbladder is connected to the common bile duct by the cystic duct. 


  The  pancreas  is  a  complex  organ  composed  of  both  endocrine  and  exocrine  tissues  that perform several functions. The pancreas consists of a head, a body, and a tail, which extends to the spleen.  The  endocrine  portion  of  the  pancreas  consists  of  pancreatic  islets  (islets  of  Langerhans). The islet cells produce insulin and glucagons, which are very important in controlling blood levels of nutrients such as glucose and amino acids, and somatostatin, which regulates insulin secretion. 

The  exocrine  portion  of  the  pancreas  consists  of  acini  (grapes),  which  produce  digestive enzymes. The acini connect to a duct system that forms the pancreatic duct, which empties into the duodenum. 


  The large intestine consists of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. The cecum is the proximal end of the large intestine and is the portion where the large and small intestines meet. The colon  consists  of  four  portions.  The  mucosal  lining  of  the  large  intestine  consists  of  simple columnar epithelium.  It  has numerous straight tubular glands. The rectum is a straight, muscular tube. It begins at the termination of the sigmoid colon and ends at the anal canal. The last 2 to 3 cm of the digestive tract is the anal canal. It begins at the inferior end of the rectum and ends at the anus. The smooth muscle layer of the anal canal forms the internal anal sphincter and external anal sphincter.


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