Завдання для студентів групи 3 - А с/с



Овчаренко Тетяна Сергіївна


Англійська мова 

(за професійним спрямуванням) 

3 - А с/с




Прийом у лікарню. Заповнення історії хвороби.

Завдання № 1. Прочитайте текст. Виконайте його усний переклад. Вишліть аудиозапис тексту для перевірки вчителю.


The state has established the wide network of the medical institutions. One of them is theregional hospital.  It is multistory building with all modern conveniences. There are somedepartments in this hospital. One can see surgical, Cardiological, pulmonological, gastroenterological and other departments. There are many light and cozy wards in each department. In every ward one can see some beds, bed-side tables and chairs. Each department houses approximately 50 patients. The work at the hospital begins early. First of all the nurses take the patients’ temperatureand fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions.  If it is necessary, they give intramuscular and intravenous injections, cup the patients, apply mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines. Every day the doctors make the morning round. They examine the patients, listen to the heart and lungs, palpate the abdominal parts, feel the pulse, and measure blood pressure. They make

The diagnosis and prescribe  proper treatment to every patient.  I should like to note that our physicians and nurses pay much attention to the treatment of the patients. A surgical department houses 65 staffed beds. There are large and small wards and a large, light operating theatre here. In  this department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, Cholecystitis and others. The most common operations are appendectomy, vagotomy, stomach resection, cholecystectomy under  general or local anesthesia. The anaesthetist gives the patient anesthesia and when the patient falls asleep the surgeon begins to perform the operation. The assistant and surgical nurses help the surgeon during the operation. They give the necessary surgical instruments and control the patient’s condition.    After the operation special attention is paid to the postoperative condition of the patient. The surgeon prescribes a proper treatment and definite diet. Every day the surgeon makes the morning round, and examines the patients. The nurse takes the patient’s temperature, dresses the wounds, gives injections, and fulfills the doctor’s prescriptions. The work in the surgical department is rather difficult but very important.  In the Cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as: myocarditis, pericarditis, cardio sclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles, breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to these patients. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases and disorders of the respiratory tract. They suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and others. The patients complain of a bad cough, high temperature, and headache.   In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients with abdominal diseases. They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in the stomach, weakness, and sometimes they have nausea and vomiting. The doctors use different methods of treatment of these patients and pay much attention to them.

Завдання № 2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English: 

Зручності;  палата; вміщати,  розміщувати; хворіти,  страждати; ставити діагноз;  ставити банки; операційна; лікарняне ліжко; грижа; шлунковий; дуоденальний, такий, що стосується дванадцятипалої  кишки; виразка; холецистит, запалення жовчного міхура; видалення жовчного міхура; перев'язка блукаючого нерва;  лапаротомія, рана; біль у серці; слабкість; блювота; нудота; медсестра; внутрішньо м’язовий; внутрішньовенний; ін'єкція;  гірчичники; компрес; кров'яний тиск; апендектомія; апендицит; анестезія; міокардит; перикардит; пневмонія; бронхіт; астма; коліт.

Завдання № 3. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense-forms:  

1. This hospital (to be) new and modern. 2. These hospitals (to be) multistory buildings. 3. It (to have)  all modern conveniences. 4. This department (to house) sixty patients. 5. This patient (to suffer) from many diseases. 6. These patients (to suffer) from duodenal ulcer. 7. He (to be ill) with bronchitis last year. 8. These doctors (to listen) to the patient’s lungs. 9. Yesterday they (to perform) on very difficult operation. 10. Next week he (to advice) a new treatment of this disease. 11. The doctor  (to fill) in case histories last week. 12. The nurse (to take) the patients’ temperature, (to fulfill) the doctor’s prescriptions, (to give) intramuscular and intravenous injections, and (to make) compresses. 13. He (to measure) her blood pressure, (to look) at the tonsils and (to feel) her pulse. 


Завдання № 4.. Answer the questions: (Письмово)

1. What is the hospital? 2. What departments are there in the regional hospital? 3. How many staffed beds does each department house? 4. What can one see in every ward? 5. What do the doctors do every day? 6. What do the nurses do at the hospital? 7. What diseases do the patients of the surgical department have? 8. What diseases do the patients of the cardiological department have? What do they  complain of? 9. What diseases do the patients of pulmonological department suffer from? What are the symptoms of these diseases? 10. What diseases do the patients of thegastroenterological department have?  

Завдання № 5. Прочитайте текст. Виконайте усний переклад. Вишліть аудиозапис тексту вчителю для перевірки.


One can see surgical, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroentorological and other departments in the regional hospital.  Working at the hospital the nurses take the patients’ temperature and fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions. They give intramuscular  and intravenous injections, apply mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines. The doctors examine the patients, make the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment to every patient. There are large and small wards and a large operating theatre in  a surgical department. In this department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis and others. In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as: myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles, breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They temperature,  and headache. In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients with abdominal diseases. They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in the stomach, weakness and sometimes they have nausea and vomiting. The doctors use different methods of treatment of these patients and pay much attention to them.  

Використовуючи зразок, напишіть історію хвороби пацієнта.

Patient: M.O. Romashov. 

Age: 47. 

Sex: Male 

Occupation: Lawyer. 

Family status: Married. 

Family history: Wife and two children are living and well; father is living and well; mother died: the result of a street accident. 

Past history: Measles, scarlet fever, and pneumonia in childhood; two ribs fractured: the result of a war wound; neither drinks nor smokes. 

Present complaints: A severe pain in the abdomen (the right iliac region); nausea and vomiting; temperature 39°C. 

Duration: Two days. 

Diagnosis: Acute appendicitis.  


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