Завдання для студентів групи 3 - А л/с



Овчаренко Тетяна Сергіївна


Англійська мова 

(за професійним спрямуванням)

3 -  А л/с


01.12.20 - 10.12.20


Робочий день студента. Медична освіта в Україні.

Завдання № 1. Прочитайте текст. Виконайте його усний переклад. Вишліть вчителю аудиозапис тексту для перевірки.

Every  day I have  many interesting  and important works  that I must execute.  I always remember that time can not be lost and that is why always plan the day.  I get up oh a 6 morning, overalls the morning exercises and take a cool shower. As a student physician I remember about the prophylaxis of the health and every day do physical exercises.  After breakfast I get dressed and go to building of our college on foot, as a college is next to our dormitory. Our employments begin in 8.10. Every day I have for a few practices or lectures.  On Friday we usually have a lecture in Physics. Long before its beginning there are always many students in the hall – even the students of the senior course often attend this lectures. Our new professor  is not only a very good specialist in his field of science but also a qualified teacher. He delivers lectures in his own way and gives us many new and interesting facts about the application of physics in medicine. The professor shows us that at present deep knowledge of this science will be particularly valuable in our future work. That is why we not only work hard in physics laboratory but read additional literature on this subject at the library as well. From the library I usually come back to the hostel. I am often tired but I understand that every day which passes by gives me much valuable and necessary knowledge.

Завдання № 2. Виконати письмово переклад речень.

1. Мій день починається о шостій годині ранку 2. Після того як я прокидаюся я роблю ранкову  зарядку 3. Всі повинні пам’ятати про профілактику захворювань 4. Мій день дуже насичений  цікавими випадками. 5. На практиці у мене бувають різні випадки які вимагають миттєвого прийняття рішення. 6. Я як майбутній медик маю розуміти цінність свого здоров'я. 7. На практику я їжджу  у різні райони міста. 8. Коли ти добре вчишся тобі довіряють важливу роботу.  

Завдання № 3. Дайте письмові відповіді на запитання.

1. Where do you study? 

2. When do yon get up on weekdays? 

3. Is it easy for you to get up early? 

4. What do you do in the morning? 

5. What time do you usually leave home? 

6. How long does it take you to get to the university? 

7. How many lectures a day do you usually have? 

8. What do you do when you come home from the'university? 

9. What do you like doing in your free time? 

Завдання № 4. Прочитайте текст. Вишліть аудиозапис для перевірки вчителю.


The main task of medicine is the care about the people's health. For that reason the training of the medical personnel is very important. Medical Universities and Academies train future doctors, pharmacists, and stomatologists. Doctors'  training takes six years but stomatologists' or pharmacists' training lasts five years. The curriculum and syllabuses for these Universities are approved by the Ministry of Public Health. The main administrative unit of Medical  University is the faculty. As a rule the Medical University or Academy may have one or more faculties (medical, stomatological, pharmaceutical and others), headed by the dean. He/She is responsible for administrative affairs of the faculty. The training course consists of lectures, practical classes, practical work in laboratories and medical  practice at different medical institutions. During the first two years the students of the Medical Universities have so-called pre-clinical training, which includes general subjects, as Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology and others. In the senior years they study clinical subjects, as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and others.                                             The  senior  students  acquire practical  skills, working at  hospitals, polyclinics,  sanitary epidemiological stations,  and chemist's shops. They acquire  such practical skills, as to examine patients, to make a diagnosis, to prescribe proper treatment, and to fill in case histories. A lot of students participate in scientific societies; their dream is to become research workers in future. Having  passed the state examinations, young doctors begin to work as interns during a certain period.                     After  graduation  from the University  they work as different  specialists at the medical institutions. The  most advanced specialists are engaged in research.  They defend theses and obtain degrees of candidates of science (medicine).

Завдання № 5. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English: 

Затверджувати; турбота, піклування; курс підготовки; тривати; включати; хімія; акушерство; хірургія; кандидат наук; інтерн; аптека. 

Завдання № 6. Answer the following questions: 

1. What is the main task of medicine? 2. What Universities train future doctors and pharmacists? 3. How long does the doctors' training take? 4. What does the training course consist of? 5. What kind of training do the students have during the first two years? 6. What subjects do they study during this  period? 7. What subjects do the students study during the senior years? 8. Where do young specialists work after graduation? 9. What specialists are engaged in research? 

Завдання № 7. Translate the following sentences into English: 

1. Я – студент медичної академії. 2. Курс підготовки триває шість років. 3. Протягом цього часу  ми повинні отримати знання з багатьох медичних предметів, включаючи анатомію, фізіологію, медичну біологію, патологічну фізіологію, терапію, хірургію, гінекологію та ін. 4. Працюючи в лікарнях, студенти-медики вчаться оглядати хворих, встановлювати діагноз, призначати лікування і заповнювати історії хвороби пацієнтів.


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