Домашнє завдання для студентів групи 2 - Б л/с



Овчаренко Тетяна Сергіївна


Англійська мова 

(за професійним спрямуванням)

2 - Б л/с




Тема 1.

В аптеці. Оформлення рецепту у Великій Британії.

Тема 2.

Лікарські форми. Анотації до лікарських препаратів.

Завдання № 1. Письмово. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:  

Dosage; overdosage; to dose; correct dose; side effect; harmful effect; unwanted effect; healthcare professionals; to indicate; indications; contraindications; to prescribe; prescription; nonprescription medicine;  action;  interaction;  breast  milk;  breast  feeding;  safely;  safety;  safe;  newborn  child; unborn child, properly;  bought;  capsule,  lozenge;  syrup;  suppository;  powder;  dosage; gel;  expiration; pharmacist; receive; substance; allergic; unusual; moisture; pregnancy.   

Завдання № 2. Read the following text: Вислати аудиозапис вчителю на перевірку.


The chemist's shop is one of the medical institutions. All medicines are ordered or bought at a chemist's shop. The state large chemist's shops as a rule have two departments. They are the hand department and prescription one. The medicines are kept in drug cabinets. It is important to store all medicines  properly,  because  heat  or  moisture  may  cause  the  medicine  to  break  down.  At  the chemist's  shop  we  can  buy  tablets  (lozenges),  capsules,  ointments,  drops,  syrups,  suppositories, powders, topical solutions, creams, gels, and drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections.                            If  you  use  an  over-the-counter  (non-prescription)  medicine,  follow  the  directions  on  the label.  Every  medicine  has  instruction  for  using  where  the  indications,  contraindications,  dosage, side effects, expiration date and others are indicated. Before a patient leaves the chemist's shop with a medicine, the pharmacist must be certain that he/she has the right medication, correct dose, and directions for use. The pharmacist also has to provide  information  about  how  the  drug  works  and  side  effects  and  ensure  that  there  are  no contraindications  to  the  medicine  and  no  harmful  drug-drug,  drug-food,  or  drug-disease interactions. The pharmacist is usually the last healthcare professional to have contact with patients before they receive their medicines. He/She is the final step in a system of checks and balances designed to ensure that medicines are used safely and effectively. So, before you use any medicine, the pharmacist and the doctor have to know: 

 if you have ever had an allergic or unusual reaction to any medicine, food, or other substances; 

 if you are on a low-salt, low-sugar, or any other special diet; 

  if  you  are  pregnant  or  if  you  plan  to  become  pregnant.  Certain medicines may cause birth defects or other problems in the unborn child. The use of any medicine during pregnancy must be carefully considered; 

 if you are breast feeding. Some medicines may pass into the breast milk and cause unwanted effects in the baby; 

 if you have any medical problems; 

 if you are now taking or have taken any medicines in the past few weeks. Don’t forget over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicines such as aspirin, laxatives, and antacids.

Завдання № 3. Письмово. Translate into English: 

Зберігати  медикаменти  відповідним  чином;  рецептурний  відділ;    безрецептурний  відділ; спричиняти  небажаний  ефект;  мати  алергію  до  медикаментів;  внутрішньовенна  ін’єкція; внутрішньом’язова  ін’єкція;  ефективно  застосувати  медикаменти;  вказувати  відповідне дозування;  побічний  ефект;    медпрацівники;    розчин  для  місцевого  застосування;  забезпечити відповідною інформацією.  

Завдання № 4. Письмово. Answer the following questions:  

1. How  many  departments  are  there  in  the  state  chemist’s  shop?  What  are  they?      2.  Why  are medicines kept in drug cabinets? 3. What forms of medicine can you name? 4. What should you pay a special attention to if you use an over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicine? 5. Prove that the pharmacist is a rather responsible healthcare professional. 6. Are there any relations between the diet and  the intake of a certain drug?  

Завдання № 5. Письмово. Translate the following sentences into English: 

1.  Перш  ніж  приймати  ліки,  вам  слід  було  уважно  прочитати  інструкцію.  2.  Ви  зможете отримати ці ліки наступного дня у рецептурному відділі. 3. Ці ліки повинен  виписати ваш дільничний  лікар.  4.  Лише  деякі  з  цих  медичних  засобів  можна  буде  взяти  у  закордонну туристичну подорож (for travelling abroad). 5. Вам слід порадитися з лікарем щодо вживання цих ліків та вашої дієти.  6. Для  вашої аптечки вам доведеться купити бинт, вату, йод чи інший спиртовий розчин для дезінфекції, знеболююче та деякі інші ліки. 7. У Великобританії вагітні жінки отримують деякі ліки безкоштовно. 8. Передозування ліків може спричинити серйозні наслідки або навіть смерть. 9. Уважно прочитайте інформацію щодо протипоказань.

Завдання № 6.  Choose the English equivalents to the Ukrainian ones. Make up the dialogue using the terms and expressions given in the table:


Завдання № 7.  Read and comprehend the text: 


Everyone  knows  that  medicines,  or  drugs  are  chemical  substances  used  to  make  you  feel better when you are sick. These chemical substances can come from many different sources. Drugs are obtained from various parts of plants, such as the roots, leaves,  and fruit.  Examples of such drugs  are  digitalis  (from  the  foxglove  plant),  and  antibiotics  such  as  penicillin  and  streptomycin (from plants called molds). Drugs can also be obtained from animals; for example, hormones are secretions from the glands of animals.  Drugs can be made from the chemical substances which are synthesized in the laboratory.  Some drugs are contained in food substances; these drugs are called vitamins.                                  Every  drug  must  have  a  nonproprietary  name,  that  is,  a  name  that  is  available  for  each manufacturer of it to use. These names are commonly called “generic names”. Manufacturers often coin  brand  names  to  use  in  promotion  of  their  particular  product.  In  general,  brand  names  are shorter and easier to use than the corresponding generic names.   The route of administration of a drug (how it is introduced into the body) is very important in  determining  the  rate  and  completeness  of  its  absorption  into  the  bloodstream  and  speed  and duration of the drug’s action in the body. There are many routes of drug administration. They are oral administration (by mouth); buccal administration (a medicine is placed in the cheek pocket and slowly  absorbed);  sublingual  administration  (for  general  effects  throughout  the  body,  when  a medicine is placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed); rectal administration (for local and in some cases systemic effects, when it is used in the rectum); vaginal administration (for local and in some  cases  systemic  effects  when  used  in  the  vagina);  parenteral  administration  (in  the  form  of injection); inhalation (for local, and in some cases systemic effects, when inhaled into the lungs); and topical application (for local effects, when it is applied directly to the skin). 
      The  dosage  forms  are  the  following:  tablets,  solutions,  capsules  (for  oral  administration); suppositories  (for  rectal  administration);  subcutaneous,  intradermal,  intramuscular,  intravenous, intrathecal,  and  intracavitary  injections  (for  parenteral  administration);  aerosols  (for  inhalation); lotions, creams, and ointments (for topical application). 

Завдання № 8. Письмово. Translate the following words and word-combinations: 

Внутрішньошкірний;  супозиторій;  лосьйон; шлях,  напрям;  внутрішньовенний;  створювати; повнота, завершеність; аерозоль; розчин; мазь; дія медичного препарату; призначення. 

Завдання № 9. Read and translate the following text: 


All drugs are grouped into several classes depending on their pharmacological effects on the body, target organs or systems, etc. For example, there is a wide variety of cardiovascular drugs, gastrointestinal  drugs,  neuropharmacological  drugs,  antibiotics,  neoplastic  drugs,  hormones,  and others.  

Cardiovascular drugs may be divided into three groups; drugs that affect the heart; drugs that affect blood pressure; and drugs that prevent blood clotting. There  is  a  wide  variety  of  gastrointestinal  drugs.  They  have  different  pharmacological activities and are used mainly to relieve uncomfortable and potentially dangerous symptoms, rather that as cures for diseases. 

Antibiotics  are  chemical  substances  produced  by  microorganisms.  Antibiotics  have  been synthesized in the laboratory and are used to treat serious bacterial infections. 

Neuropharmacological  drugs  act  on  the  nervous  system.  There  are  two  major  types  of neuropharmacological drugs: autonomic and central nervous system drugs. 

Antihistamines are drugs, which block the action of chemicals called histamines, which are found in the body. Histamine is produced by most cells and especially by sensitive cells under the skin  and  in  the  respiratory  system.  Antihistamines  can  relieve  the  allergic  symptoms,  which histamine produces.  

Vitamins  are  necessary  for  normal  body  functioning.  They  play  an  important  role  in  the 

metabolic processes of the body. 

The other categories into which most of the commonly prescribed medications are divided are the following: 

Analgetics: pain-relieving drugs; 

Antacids (Antiacids): drugs used for relief of symptoms of indigestion or disorders caused by excess acid. These medications work to neutralizing stomach acids; 

Antiarrhythmics: medications used to control unwanted variations in heart rhythms; 

Anticoagulants: drugs prescribed to prevent blood from clotting; 

Antidepressants: mood-lifting drugs; 

Antidiabetic agents: drugs used in the treatment of diabetes. Antidiabetics drugs are used to restore the body’s ability to use sugar normally; 

Antifungals: drugs used to treat infections caused by fungi; 

Antihypertensives: medications prescribed to reduce high blood pressure; 

Anti-inflammatory agents: drugs used to reduce inflammation; 

Antipyretics: fever-reducing drugs. These drugs directly affect the temperature-regulating centre in the brain and the hypothalamus; 

Antivirals: drugs used to treat viral infections; 

Bronchodilators: drugs that open (dilate) the main airways (bronchi) in the lungs. They are primarily used to treat asthma; 

Corticosteroids are used principally as anti-inflammatory drugs; 

Cough suppressants: they are used to suppress cough; 

Diuretics: these drugs increase the volume of urine and salt released by the kidneys; 

Hypnotics: sleeping medications; 

Laxatives: constipation drugs; 

Nitrates: heart drugs. They may increase blood flow through the coronary arteries and often 

are used in patients with angina; 

Vasodilators: heart drugs. These medications stimulate the arteries of the heart to enlarge. They are used to treat angina pectoris or lower blood pressure. 


Drugs are chemical substances used to make you feel better when you are sick. They are obtained from various parts of plants, animals, or synthesized artificially. Some drugs are contained in food substances.  The  routes  of  drug  administration  are  the  following:  oral  administration;  buccal administration; sublingual administration; rectal  administration; vaginal administration; parenteral administration; inhalation; and topical application. The dosage forms of drugs are: tablets, solutions, capsules;  suppositories;  subcutaneous,  intradermal,  intramuscular,  intravenous,  intrathecal,  and intracavitary injections; aerosols; lotions, creams, and ointments. Adverse drug reaction is a term referring to unwanted, uncomfortable, or dangerous effects that a drug may have. Some risks are not very serious, others are more serious. All drugs are grouped into several classes depending on their pharmacological effects on the body, target organs or systems, etc. For example, there are a wide variety  of  cardiovascular  drugs,  gastrointestinal  drugs,  neuropharmacologic  drugs,  antibiotics, neoplastic drugs, hormones, and others.  

Завдання № 10. Переглянути відео для всебічного розвитку.


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