Завдання для студентів 1 А л/с, 1 А с/с

Овчаренко Тетяна Сергіївна
Англійська мова 
1 А л/с, 1 А с/с
24.04.20 – 29.04.20 
Урок № 3. Національна символіка США.

Завдання № 1. Прочитати текст за посиланням. Дати письмові відповіді на запитання.
  1. How is often called the American flag?
  2. How many horizontal stripes have the American flag? What colors are on the American flag and what do they mean?
  3. How many white stars in the top of the left hand corner on a blue background?
  4. What emblem is used as the national coat of arms of the United States?
  5. What documents are officially used the Great Seal of the United States?
  6. What does an olive palm and arrows in the paws of the Great Seal of the United States mean?
  7. What bird is the national emblem of the USA?
  8. What is the name of the national anthem of the United States of America?
  9. What national mottos of all Americans do you know?
  10. What motto can we see on one hundred dollars?
  11. What flower is the national symbol of the United States of America?
  12.  What tree is the national tree of the United States of America?
  13. What is the official currency of the United States of America?
  14. What statue is the symbol of American democracy? Where does it stand on?
  15. What monument is located on the National Mall in Washington? What American President does it dedicated to?
  16. Where is take place the meeting of the United States Congress?
  17. What is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States?
  18. What iconic symbol of America is located in Philadelphia?

Завдання № 2. Переглянути відео “The White House”, скласти запитання до фільму.

 Завдання № 3. Пройти онлайн тест “How much do you know about the iconic symbols of America?” Результати тесту  (Screenshot) вислати вчителю.
Завдання № 4.


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